About Us

The Prop Affair by Dakshha
Surfaces for storytelling


A picture speaks a thousand words. At The Prop Affair, we help you enhance that picture.
The Prop Affair is an award-nominated design-led company that fosters a culture of innovation. Our products aesthetically enhance your hard-worked creations.

Our cakestands elevate your cakes (literally and figuratively). We have worked with bakers all over India and they have been our constant source of motivation to keep making unique stands to meet the latest trends in the industry.

We also bring a diverse genre of premium quality, rollable, cleanable and water-resistant backdrops for photographers, videographers, recipe developers, digital agencies, wedding stylists, bloggers, and crafters out there. These high-quality backdrops can create the perfect atmosphere for product photographers, food stylists, baby photographers, makeup artists and all types of social media posts.

Our award-nominated invention, The Red Hot Boxx is a drying chamber for sugar crafts and figurines. It has been highly appreciated for its innovation, utility and attention to detail by many leading bakers and sugar artists in the industry.

And this is not all we bring to you. With much more to offer, we hope to continue delivering the highest quality equipment to make you shine brighter.


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